Stage Sequence Mockup
A mockup of the virtual set we created with scene transitions so the client could visualize the presenter in the studio environment.
Sales Kickoff Virtual Presentation
Created virtual environments using a full LED soundstage. The theme for the conference referenced 80’s video games and an arcade.
US Navy Logo Reveal
A logo reveal for the 51/5th Marine Expeditionary Brigade
BSH Opening Video
An Opening Video for a B/S/H conference
Ice Fest Commercial
A Commercial for Ice Fest in Cripple Creek, CO
HLTH Conference Screen Look
A rendering of what the screen looks and transitions will look like on-site
BCBS Opening Video
Another conference Opening Video
Wolters Kluwer Conference Screen Look
Another rendering of what the screen looks and transitions will look like on-site
Lightbulb Theme Reveal
A lightbulb explosion to reveal a meeting theme
Speaker Intro Animation
A speaker intro animation